Members of the Young Group
The Young Group consists of almost 50 members, between 20 and 40 years old, who work in the associated firms. It promotes all those initiatives which may deepen the category’s economic, political, social and technical matters and in order to elevate the awareness of the entrepreneurial initiative and associative spirit. From years the Young Group supports the Association, which is involved in the educational field, with important initiatives dedicated to young employees and to whom is about to start working for the first time.
The Young Group collaborates with the GGR (Reunited Young Group) which is composed by young members from different Associations. Its aim is to face problems of the city of Genoa and to give a chance to work to the future generations.
Pietro Abbona
F.lli Cosulich S.p.A.
Nathalie Alharal
Arkas Italia S.r.l.
Giulia Amaini
Hapag Lloyd Italy S.r.l.
Andrea Arena
Cosco Shipping Lines (Italy) S.r.l.
Andrea Arena
HB Shipping S.r.l.
Vittorio Bini
Cambiaso Risso Shipping Agency S.r.l.
Niccolò Braibanti
Hapag Lloyd Italy S.r.l.
Andrea Brandaglia
Scolaro Enrico Shipbrokers S.r.l.
Gian Alberto Cerruti
Gastaldi & C. S.p.A.
Andrea Gambino
Arkas Italia S.r.l.
Carlo Gariazzo
ONE Ocean Network Express Ltd
Lorenzo Giacobbe
Januamar S.p.A.
Giulia Malnati
NYK Line Italy S.p.A.
Davide Mari
Trafalgar Shipping S.r.l.
Gianluca Marinaro
Cma Cgm Italia S.r.l.
Aldo Negri
Yang Ming Italy S.p.A.
Raffaele Negri
Medmar Tramp S.r.l.
Leonardo Nicolosi
Trafalgar Shipping S.r.l.
Bruno Parodi
Hapag Lloyd Italy S.r.l.
Michele Pezzano
Arkas Italia S.r.l.
Stefano Poluzzi
ONE Ocean Network Express Ltd
Paolo Andrea Pompei
Faster S.r.l.
Carola Rosina
F.lli Cosulich S.p.A.
Mattia Roti
Cambiaso Risso Shipping Agency S.r.l.
Tommaso Scolaro
Scolaro Enrico Shipbrokers S.r.l.